Science of Education

State level 'Best Teacher' award (BOLT) winner by AIR INDIA of DPS Ranchi Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee talks...

State level 'Best Teacher' award (BOLT) winner by AIR INDIA of DPS Ranchi Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee talks...
“You are not only for you, but for the greater world..... ” Appeals Dr. Mukherjee
We decided to meet Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee sir, our computer teacher of Delhi Public School, Ranchi. Recently he has been declared ‘BOLT-2007’ from Jharkhand state, in which AIR India awards one ‘best teacher’ from each state of India. And as a prize he was sent to Singapore by AIR India in 10-15th October 2007 in an ambassadorial Educational Tour with all of the state winners of India.
Last 2nd September '07 the screening interview had been conducted on the basis of technique of teaching, teacher student relation, develop interest in studies, environment conservation, motivation, etc. In the BOLT (Broad Outlook Learner Teacher) interview Dr. Srikumar presented his works in terms of books on youth awareness, science of education, audio-visual software on meditation and stress management, different articles and his PhD thesis in Social Science on Indoaryan view of Human Resource Development (HRD), which is apart from his professional qualifications. Now he is going to Mumbai to appear for the National BOLT interview.
According to our appointment we talked to him at the Computer Lab in the school at the recess time, is as follows:
Question: Sir, recently you have been declared ‘BOLT-2007’ by AIR INDIA as only teacher from Jharkhand state. Congratulations from our side! To whom you would like to give the credit for this big achievement?
Dr. Mukherjee: Thank you! First I pay my homage to my Master of life Sree Sree Anukulchandra, who made my mind rationally open to develop ‘cause finding go of life’, a scientific approach to any incident – which I feel is true spirituality, his grace. Because I know that there are many who have much more knowledge than me, but to me this approach makes me to co-relate every aspects of life and growth. Next, obviously to my mother-father and all well-wishers. I should be thankful to you too, the students, from whom I do learn every day and surely to my Principal sir, who is always co-operative and our department and all the teachers as well.
Question: Sir, you said that you learn from your students too, what should be a healthy teacher-student relation in your view?
Dr. Mukherjee: Though I consider me always as learner, so every one is student and teacher as well. But to reply you I would say – unless a student can’t feel his or her teacher a well wisher and as loving mother, real education can’t be started. Education is not only gathering information, but makes oneself a true efficient human being. Only books or computer is unable to make one a good and capable human – but man to man personal relation makes one a complete and efficient human being. Because this attachment adjusts one’s scattered complexes to accumulate and invest the knowledge or information for creativity and humanity, so a teacher should have a superior master in his life for his regular self-adjustment. This is the science of education.
Question: Sir, what is your view for getting success in our student life?
Dr. Mukherjee: Two points I feel are very important in this regard. Firstly: We must try to find the inter-relationship of chapters within the subject and have to reveal the inner relations among different subjects, because knowledge in ‘one’ and individually we all are scientist to explore the truth through different ways according to our individual characteristics, to enjoy life.Secondly: We must search how to apply the knowledge in our daily and social life, for comfortable and secured existence and progress. These two matters can make one, a man of science. Thus a greater avenue will be opened in front of you!
Question: But we can’t ignore the truth – money, professional success, social recognition – these are very essential to survive in the present world.
Dr. Mukherjee: I do agree with you. But see my friends – once if you ask yourself, when you are alone, that – ‘money makes a man; or efficiency or character of man generates money and wealth?’ You will find - ‘Man makes money out of his efficiency or character.’ So if you have quality in you, money will run after you. You must be conscious that - now the capitalistic world under the ‘Globalization’ with the tremendous scientific advancement and audio-visual media is able to establish the parameter of success in terms of money and selfishness; that makes their mission of neo-imperialism in shape to market their commodity at the word market. But we mustn’t forget that we can’t live alone, one needs his environment to survive. This is a dangerous cultural conquest of them over the youth – motivating them to be only money making machine to enjoy alone only for him. So I would suggest, you must take total advantages of scientific advancement of Globalization, but simultaneously be conscious that – you are made for the greater world, not for yourself only and obviously remembering that millions of youth of your age don’t have a shelter over their head or arrange two times bread !
Question: Sir what was your experience in the Singapore tour, as you were sent by AIR India for an ambassadorial visit in October ’07?
Dr. Mukherjee: Well, there are many aspects to describe, but in nutshell I would say that – I was really astonished to see the development took place there. They got independence in 1965, almost 20 years later than us, but in terms of socio-economic development they are at least 50 years ahead than us. And this happened because of the right leadership, success of the motivation of the citizen for the country, and utilizing the resources for the total development. Geographically Singapore is called the “Key of Asia” in terms of international water way, and now every three minutes loading and un-loading of cargo ships take place and it is the major source of their national income. The other is tourism. They made it maximum useful for the development and better image of the country – unbelievable achievement! You will be surprised to know that – even a taxi driver is strictly punctual of his commitment by seconds of time. I didn’t find even a single one to spit on the street or laying a strip of rapper of chocolate, you can’t hear of blowing horn on the street, because ‘it might disturb others’! But yes, in terms of family bonding, love and affection we are still much more ahead. We could be proud of that! Let me tell you – I’m making a documentary film on our visit to Singapore for you. And, last but not the least I must be very much thankful to Air India for their great effort for Nation building through RANK and BOLT competition to make good citizen.
Question: We came to know that you take interest in spirituality and you voluntarily help to get rid of stress, concentration of mind, etc. Being in IT profession (teacher) how do you co-relate spirituality with material science? How could we be benefited from it?
Dr. Mukherjee: Truly saying - spiritual Yoga, meditation, etc. primarily are not at all a mechanical process, but a psychological process. So it should be viewed in that angle. It is a deep sacred loving relationship between one and the ‘man of wisdom’ or Living-Ideal. With this psychic attachment when one practices the specific technique, which upgrades his character and makes his body machine more receptive to know the secrect of the causes. Thus he becomes a true rational and efficient man. This ‘cause finding go of life’ – which is spirituality in my view - makes one success in material life. Thus materialism and spiritualism is complement. So it’s not important whether ‘God’ exists or not, but existence of myself with all is more important. Thus I think to know ‘God’, is to reveal the mechanism of universal eco-system of living and non-living matters in terms of evolution, which is responsible for our existence. And this must be applied for my existence with the environment. So the man, who knows more of this mystery, is more close to God and so he is better ‘master’ of man. Thus ‘Dharma’ is the science of existence followed by all and a real ‘Dharmik’ can’t be a communal. We learn the perfect technique of life and growth – which is Dharma – in these lives of Master men. So, accepting the latest ‘master man’ as a guide, who is the evolved form of the pasts, - is the key of success, because in him we find the accumulation of the faculties of knowledge and its practical application at present.
Question: Will you please brief about your book ‘Science of Education’ released by the Governor at your award function at Ranchi by 11th January 2008?
Dr. Mukherjee: In fact ‘Education’ was one of the chapters of my PhD thesis, which I converted into this booklet. Because, I often felt many things what I realize, unable to share with all of you to verify its’ acceptability or reality to the people, because most of the students and people remain out of my touch. When I see you being a learner or student, I recall my younger days…….. Many offences, struggles, pressures, expectations, combating the hostile forces, many unanswered questions and so on you know. When I became adult and started to work with the people in the social change and now with you – I gradually found the rational answers of many of those queries. And the life and teachings of my master of life, Sree Sree Anukulchandra identified my obsessions playing inside and developed the scientific outlook of life – technique of self-realization and success. Some of those I tried to incorporate in this booklet in terms of 20-25 topics – purpose of education, technique of teaching and learning, teacher-student relation, concentration, stress management, eugenics for HRD, science-Dharma relation, secrect key of success, etc. to share my research findings with you and obviously to teach myself as well. It can be a friendly handbook of the teachers and parents too. Some printing mistakes still remained because of hurry in the publication; I seek pardon for the same. But still do hope you will get some idea there, to overcome the struggles for the struggles for a total successful life. As I dedicated this booklet for some charitable work, so your contribution for the book is also being used for some noble causes. Presently completing another one “Indoaryan Existentialism – A concept of HRD and Social evolution”; this is based on the total philosophy of my Master. Soon I'm also planning to launch my website "" for the world people especially for the youth like you, which will work as a virtual school and provide lessons on Human Potential Management named "Self Quest of Life (SQL)" based on the philosophy of 'Indoaryan-Existentialism'.
Question: Sir, any last message to us?
Dr. Mukherjee: I already told in your questions. First of all your best lover are your parents. Go ahead if they approve your thoughts and deeds. On the other be regardful to your teachers and elders to learn what is right and what is wrong. And do remember each one of you in the nature has a unique contribution to the humanity; identify yourself. So, you are not made only for you, but for the bigger world of humanity. Let’s start our journey now……
Interviewed by:
Subhodeep Bhattacharaya,
Abhijeet Nathawat and
Ankit Kumar
Students of XIIth(K) Science
Session: 2006-'08
Delhi Public School, Ranchi
You may contact to Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee in:
Ph# +91-9097536204
Email: /
NOTE: Those are interested to get a copy of the book "Science of Education" can write to following. The book contains Number of Pages 60, Price Rs. 20 (Twenty only) excluding postal charge.:
Last 2nd September '07 the screening interview had been conducted on the basis of technique of teaching, teacher student relation, develop interest in studies, environment conservation, motivation, etc. In the BOLT (Broad Outlook Learner Teacher) interview Dr. Srikumar presented his works in terms of books on youth awareness, science of education, audio-visual software on meditation and stress management, different articles and his PhD thesis in Social Science on Indoaryan view of Human Resource Development (HRD), which is apart from his professional qualifications. Now he is going to Mumbai to appear for the National BOLT interview.
According to our appointment we talked to him at the Computer Lab in the school at the recess time, is as follows:
Question: Sir, recently you have been declared ‘BOLT-2007’ by AIR INDIA as only teacher from Jharkhand state. Congratulations from our side! To whom you would like to give the credit for this big achievement?
Dr. Mukherjee: Thank you! First I pay my homage to my Master of life Sree Sree Anukulchandra, who made my mind rationally open to develop ‘cause finding go of life’, a scientific approach to any incident – which I feel is true spirituality, his grace. Because I know that there are many who have much more knowledge than me, but to me this approach makes me to co-relate every aspects of life and growth. Next, obviously to my mother-father and all well-wishers. I should be thankful to you too, the students, from whom I do learn every day and surely to my Principal sir, who is always co-operative and our department and all the teachers as well.
Question: Sir, you said that you learn from your students too, what should be a healthy teacher-student relation in your view?
Dr. Mukherjee: Though I consider me always as learner, so every one is student and teacher as well. But to reply you I would say – unless a student can’t feel his or her teacher a well wisher and as loving mother, real education can’t be started. Education is not only gathering information, but makes oneself a true efficient human being. Only books or computer is unable to make one a good and capable human – but man to man personal relation makes one a complete and efficient human being. Because this attachment adjusts one’s scattered complexes to accumulate and invest the knowledge or information for creativity and humanity, so a teacher should have a superior master in his life for his regular self-adjustment. This is the science of education.
Question: Sir, what is your view for getting success in our student life?
Dr. Mukherjee: Two points I feel are very important in this regard. Firstly: We must try to find the inter-relationship of chapters within the subject and have to reveal the inner relations among different subjects, because knowledge in ‘one’ and individually we all are scientist to explore the truth through different ways according to our individual characteristics, to enjoy life.Secondly: We must search how to apply the knowledge in our daily and social life, for comfortable and secured existence and progress. These two matters can make one, a man of science. Thus a greater avenue will be opened in front of you!
Question: But we can’t ignore the truth – money, professional success, social recognition – these are very essential to survive in the present world.
Dr. Mukherjee: I do agree with you. But see my friends – once if you ask yourself, when you are alone, that – ‘money makes a man; or efficiency or character of man generates money and wealth?’ You will find - ‘Man makes money out of his efficiency or character.’ So if you have quality in you, money will run after you. You must be conscious that - now the capitalistic world under the ‘Globalization’ with the tremendous scientific advancement and audio-visual media is able to establish the parameter of success in terms of money and selfishness; that makes their mission of neo-imperialism in shape to market their commodity at the word market. But we mustn’t forget that we can’t live alone, one needs his environment to survive. This is a dangerous cultural conquest of them over the youth – motivating them to be only money making machine to enjoy alone only for him. So I would suggest, you must take total advantages of scientific advancement of Globalization, but simultaneously be conscious that – you are made for the greater world, not for yourself only and obviously remembering that millions of youth of your age don’t have a shelter over their head or arrange two times bread !
Question: Sir what was your experience in the Singapore tour, as you were sent by AIR India for an ambassadorial visit in October ’07?
Dr. Mukherjee: Well, there are many aspects to describe, but in nutshell I would say that – I was really astonished to see the development took place there. They got independence in 1965, almost 20 years later than us, but in terms of socio-economic development they are at least 50 years ahead than us. And this happened because of the right leadership, success of the motivation of the citizen for the country, and utilizing the resources for the total development. Geographically Singapore is called the “Key of Asia” in terms of international water way, and now every three minutes loading and un-loading of cargo ships take place and it is the major source of their national income. The other is tourism. They made it maximum useful for the development and better image of the country – unbelievable achievement! You will be surprised to know that – even a taxi driver is strictly punctual of his commitment by seconds of time. I didn’t find even a single one to spit on the street or laying a strip of rapper of chocolate, you can’t hear of blowing horn on the street, because ‘it might disturb others’! But yes, in terms of family bonding, love and affection we are still much more ahead. We could be proud of that! Let me tell you – I’m making a documentary film on our visit to Singapore for you. And, last but not the least I must be very much thankful to Air India for their great effort for Nation building through RANK and BOLT competition to make good citizen.
Question: We came to know that you take interest in spirituality and you voluntarily help to get rid of stress, concentration of mind, etc. Being in IT profession (teacher) how do you co-relate spirituality with material science? How could we be benefited from it?
Dr. Mukherjee: Truly saying - spiritual Yoga, meditation, etc. primarily are not at all a mechanical process, but a psychological process. So it should be viewed in that angle. It is a deep sacred loving relationship between one and the ‘man of wisdom’ or Living-Ideal. With this psychic attachment when one practices the specific technique, which upgrades his character and makes his body machine more receptive to know the secrect of the causes. Thus he becomes a true rational and efficient man. This ‘cause finding go of life’ – which is spirituality in my view - makes one success in material life. Thus materialism and spiritualism is complement. So it’s not important whether ‘God’ exists or not, but existence of myself with all is more important. Thus I think to know ‘God’, is to reveal the mechanism of universal eco-system of living and non-living matters in terms of evolution, which is responsible for our existence. And this must be applied for my existence with the environment. So the man, who knows more of this mystery, is more close to God and so he is better ‘master’ of man. Thus ‘Dharma’ is the science of existence followed by all and a real ‘Dharmik’ can’t be a communal. We learn the perfect technique of life and growth – which is Dharma – in these lives of Master men. So, accepting the latest ‘master man’ as a guide, who is the evolved form of the pasts, - is the key of success, because in him we find the accumulation of the faculties of knowledge and its practical application at present.
Question: Will you please brief about your book ‘Science of Education’ released by the Governor at your award function at Ranchi by 11th January 2008?
Dr. Mukherjee: In fact ‘Education’ was one of the chapters of my PhD thesis, which I converted into this booklet. Because, I often felt many things what I realize, unable to share with all of you to verify its’ acceptability or reality to the people, because most of the students and people remain out of my touch. When I see you being a learner or student, I recall my younger days…….. Many offences, struggles, pressures, expectations, combating the hostile forces, many unanswered questions and so on you know. When I became adult and started to work with the people in the social change and now with you – I gradually found the rational answers of many of those queries. And the life and teachings of my master of life, Sree Sree Anukulchandra identified my obsessions playing inside and developed the scientific outlook of life – technique of self-realization and success. Some of those I tried to incorporate in this booklet in terms of 20-25 topics – purpose of education, technique of teaching and learning, teacher-student relation, concentration, stress management, eugenics for HRD, science-Dharma relation, secrect key of success, etc. to share my research findings with you and obviously to teach myself as well. It can be a friendly handbook of the teachers and parents too. Some printing mistakes still remained because of hurry in the publication; I seek pardon for the same. But still do hope you will get some idea there, to overcome the struggles for the struggles for a total successful life. As I dedicated this booklet for some charitable work, so your contribution for the book is also being used for some noble causes. Presently completing another one “Indoaryan Existentialism – A concept of HRD and Social evolution”; this is based on the total philosophy of my Master. Soon I'm also planning to launch my website "" for the world people especially for the youth like you, which will work as a virtual school and provide lessons on Human Potential Management named "Self Quest of Life (SQL)" based on the philosophy of 'Indoaryan-Existentialism'.
Question: Sir, any last message to us?
Dr. Mukherjee: I already told in your questions. First of all your best lover are your parents. Go ahead if they approve your thoughts and deeds. On the other be regardful to your teachers and elders to learn what is right and what is wrong. And do remember each one of you in the nature has a unique contribution to the humanity; identify yourself. So, you are not made only for you, but for the bigger world of humanity. Let’s start our journey now……
Interviewed by:
Subhodeep Bhattacharaya,
Abhijeet Nathawat and
Ankit Kumar
Students of XIIth(K) Science
Session: 2006-'08
Delhi Public School, Ranchi
You may contact to Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee in:
Ph# +91-9097536204
Email: /
NOTE: Those are interested to get a copy of the book "Science of Education" can write to following. The book contains Number of Pages 60, Price Rs. 20 (Twenty only) excluding postal charge.:
Astikayan, Bibek-Bitan,
PO Satsang, Deoghar,
Jharkhand, India.
Pin code 814116.
Ph# 91-6432-292766
You can visit: WWW.INDOARYAN.ORG
nice conversation n think your students not only your students anybody who will go through this he/she will take some lesson.i must say that u do a great job .because your present field of work is very interesting.
i hv read ur conversation above and i feel myself glad that i m ur student bt its unfortunate for me that i am not being part of this social job started by u . thanx sir thank u very much for being my teacher
2006 BATCH
the conversation is all a delight..the best part abt u is if we dont learn the way it is taught u teach us in a way that we learn :)
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