An University approved research work…..
‘Relevance of the Ideology
Sree Sree Anukulchandra
Modern Society’
Researched by
Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee
This Summary of the research work has been made on the ideology, based on the life and work of one of the most pioneer Indian social thinkers, cultural reformers and spiritual leaders of the modern age Sree Anukulchandra Chakraborty, born in 1888. His universal approach for existence and progress of individuals likes to be manifested in his integral philosophy of life. This tends to make a bridge between science & Dharma (religion!) and materialism & spiritualism. He tried to give the logical and rational principles of, in his term - “Man Making Industry” to lay foundation for the next human civilization. The main three pillars of his ‘man making industry’ through psycho-physical, bio-cultural and socio-economic change are: Initiation, Education and Eugenics.
Right from the dawn of human civilization man was forced to feel for others staying around him - for his own existence. Because he by experience realized that for survival he has to depend on the people surrounding him and the nature. Thus the concept of “society” emerged. As Giddings said - “Society is the union..................the sum of formal relations in which associating of individuals is bound together.” This “web of human relationship” among the people gave birth to the society. In Sociology we study the “science of society” and as an “independent science” the development of Sociology began during the nineteenth century followed by the contribution of French sociologist Auguste Comte. Since then crossing over the long evolutionary path of social science, now it has become strong enough not only to analyze scientifically the whole social phenomenon, but also to verify the new ideas for its social utility - substantially able to recover and guide the social problems.
In this sociological research work it has been tried to find out the relevance, scope and potentiality of the ideology of one of the modern social thinkers Sree Sree Anukulchandra (Chakraborty) from Bengal of India (1888-1969) in the field of evolution of Sociology in the present world. Searches have been made to find - how far this specific science of society can bridge the different prevailing thoughts and ideas and get success to give a logical direction for the existence and progress of the modern civilization for the next millennium?
During the last one century he is popularly known as - Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra; due to the devotion and regard of a large number of people for him in India and abroad as a ‘religious reformer’ and ‘spiritual teacher’. But, another very significant image as a rational ‘social thinker’ - which is found in my investigations, virtually has remained unseen in the society. Here it has been studied - how far the ideology of Sree Sree Anukulchandra could strengthen the social science for the evolution of society to form contemporary modern civilization. Sree Sree Anukulchandra has defined ‘society’ and said - “To follow the existential process gathering with the leading impetus of the Anointed Advent and to be adjusted according with every propitious co-adjusted, enthusiastic act and admiration - is essence of society.
An overview of the Ideology of Sree Sree Anukulchandra:
Struggle for the “existential process” of human being, made the evolution of the society alive still now. Since, the primitive age of the human society - as Karl Marx said it as “early communism” - human being was gradually becoming intellectually developed through struggle for survival. After being evolved, their ‘desire of existence’ didn’t remain the only desire to them so far. Now people initiate to search for the better way of living. Thus ‘desire of becoming’ also became the invariable part of their life, with ‘desire of being’. Since then the demand for existence and progress, forced them to be reformed-being by adjusting their complexes. Sree Sree Anukulchandra says - “.......the wants of properly enjoying life or needs of being and becoming is the driving factor of evolution.” So together, cultural and biological ways of incessant evolution of individual - collectively used to be transformed into social evolution.
Division of labor naturally evolved first in the agricultural society: Primarily in the agricultural complex societies, distribution of work became the most essential thing for better social management. Thus normal emergence of division of labour - revolutionary progressively changed the social structure. Initially people had choosen different contemporary trades freely according to their own testes (biological bent). But cultivating the same trade liberally through generations - they became expert of those specific trades by acquiring the respective characters even bio-culturally (genetically). Thus, in the society - “division of labour according to hereditary instinct” established. Nesfield says - “Occupation is the only factor of this system (caste)”, where as Dezil Ibbison says - “This is not sudden, but a product of long process of evolution, and occupation became heredity.” According to Sree Sree Anukulchandra - “This is not a man made system, but a universal law of division of biological character, which could be found everywhere in the nature.” He termed this system in human society as - “Grouping of society according to biological instinct.” In his view - it was broadly divided into four natures of work, those are - Intellectual, Managerial, Commercial and Physical labour, that found in every society of the world in different forms. In Indoaryan society these natures of classes were defined as ‘Varna division’ - in terms of Bipra (hereditarily Brahmin), Kashtriya, Vaishya and Sudra respectively. In this Indoaryan society ‘to be a Brahmin’ was set as the ‘goal of all’.
The scientific evidence of Varnashram system: A report published on one Anthropological and genetic research jointly organized by an Indo-US university team on Indoaryan traditional Varna (caste) division system. The report says that - still the Varna characters are inheriting through DNA for more than past 3000 years. In the ‘hypergamy’ marriage system (marriage between female of lower cultural heredity and male of higher cultural heredity), the ‘caste’ of lower rank female could climb up to higher caste rank. [Source: Human Genome and Indian Caste System;; ‘The Asian Age’, London - 30/04/1998]
Natural law of eugenics was applied in the human society: However, now the most rational animal - man out of his long experiences observed that random selection of male and female not always comprise qualitatively better offspring. Firstly thus they had prohibited marriage between nearer blood relations. This has become ‘law’ in many countries now. Secondly they found that breeding between male of less bio-cultural-heredity (lower Varna ) and female of higher bio-cultural-heredity (i.e. in hypogamy marriage), generation devolves and degenerates by their characteristics and potentialities into next. Sree Sree Anukulchandra says - “Marriage between more evolved female and less evolved male (‘hypogamy’ breeding) normally produce unbalanced nature of issue and for the sake of the existence of civilization, practicing of ‘hypogamy’ should be strictly banded.” Surprisingly the modern scientists in crops and animal breeding for high yielding seeds and better animal offspring - follow the same laws. Sree Sree Anukulchandra also says - “Marriage between any male and female could only be taken place, if they have ‘biological’ and healthy ‘psychological’ compatibility. Thus females of lower cultural heredity will be culturally and biologically upgraded.” The father of modern (Molecular) Genetics and Nobel Prize winner Dr. Watson believes about the hereditary up-gradation in Indoaryan marriage system based on the very social structure (Varna system) that - the DNA tests of ‘caste’ characters excellently support the nature of Varna division and its’ progressive purpose of traditional marriage system. [Report: Chief Guest Lecture: ‘86th. Indian Science Congress’, Chenni, 1999]. On the basis of this system practicing the highest culture (Brahminism) under the guidance of a ‘social Seer’, mostly adjusted master or leader - through generations, the backwards could acquire that higher cultural instinct biologically and promoted to the higher social rank (Varna) genetically. Because, genetically – there is very minor (less than 1%) difference among the different classes (Varna ). In this context Swami Vivekananda also said - “Everyone (of all Varnas) has to be Brahmin.”
Ideal-centric service is the base of socio-economic system: Moving on the path of social evolution human being always required and searched for such personalities from whom they could be guided and inspired to overcome the struggle of being and becoming and could form better society. Whenever many people of different characteristics unite around a center – their concentration to the center stimulates their native bent of fulfillment. Thus new advanced societies gradually appeared out of the people’s inter-fulfilling adherence, through the Ideal centric motivation. And to protect and nurture the individual’s nature of fulfillment, its’ democratic social mechanism was developed. Simultaneously, peoples’ this ‘existential’ service according to one’s own hereditary character (Varna ) for self-survival - normal social economy also grown up.
Accepting of a Leader was normally seen in every human society and it became essential for one’s self-development: Hence wherever people have got a fulfiller leadership, they gathered around. So root of all kinds of mass movements are virtually – ‘personality-centered’ movement. Because psychologically - the inherent hankering of human being is to be attached with any man, matter or material. According to the father of psychology Fraud – the inborn ‘libido’ i.e. the normal tendency of attachment of man – when gets inclined towards a ‘psychologist’, the self controlled man, then one gradually becomes normal and balanced. Because, one’s guiding complexes become controlled and adjusted by the attachment of his libido with the psychoanalyst. So people flocked together around those normal social leaders, out of loving attraction towards their fulfilling personality and they started to reform themselves and became educated. Studying the effects of these movements, it can be found that comparatively ‘Dharma’ oriented movements – the mass mobilization of the culture of being and becoming under the leaderships of the world spiritual seers - are more successful to influence the larger mass, consistently for longer time. It was possible because people found comparatively better living expression of existential ideology among these extremely self-adjusted personalities than the leaders of the other socio-political movements. Thus they discovered the path of life and growth - the ultimate desire by adjusting their own complexes - more in better ways. Sree Sree Anukulchandra says that - Sree Krishna, Goutam Buddha, Jesus Christ, Hazrat Mohammad, Sree Chaitannaya, Sree Ramakrishna, etc. are such personalities who have modified the same ‘Dharma’ (the Aryan culture of life-growth) as per the people’s current mental and material conditions and requirements of the contemporary societies. So each of them is the fulfiller of the past seers, because they are all the cultivators of the ‘Aryan’ culture of existentialism or upholder of ‘Dharma’. Sree Sree Anukulchandra also says - “The way of upholding the urge of our existence is Dharma.” He explains - “Dharma never becomes many................Hindu Dharma, Christian Dharma, Mohamadan Dharma, Buddhist Dharma etc. are wrong; rather they are so many views.” In his view – ‘the degeneration of humanity began when people have deviated from the path of the life of the seers’. Having no ‘libido’ towards the latest and past-fulfiller living adjusted-personality (social leader), people’s de-centric progress and un-adjustment of complexes or abnormal natures increase. This forces the social (economic, political, cultural, moral, etc.) progress and unity pull downward and simultaneously it encourages communalism, separatism, provincialism, exploitation, etc. various social evil practices.
Initiation and eugenics became the prime factors of HRD – that makes superior society: Thus historically many big civilizations evolved and destroyed. According to Sree Sree Anukulchandra’s view – in every case the cause of all socio-economic causes of destruction of civilizations were virtually lack of Ideal centric integration and abnormal sexual-relationships. Virtually these two factors broke the stability of mental and biological constitution respectively of oneself. He says – if it would be possible to rectify these most vital man-making factors, then human civilization could be saved and steadily transformed into superior world society (communism) - the “World United States” (WUS). Under the leadership of the latest ‘fulfiller the best’ of common ism of the contemporary age - the concentric inter-fulfilling attitude will make the every people unite. And then they will find the scientific solution to root out all of the material and psychological exploitations, which always come as a strong barrier between oneself and his real peace, bliss and success - in every phase of civilization. According to him thus dream of man of being and becoming will be materialized which he is dreaming since his starting moment of journey.
Topic wise summerised conclution:
The building unit of society is human being. And scientifically human is described – “sexual” as well as “creative” animal. Sree Sree Anukulchandra gives three points program, picked from the characteristics and factors of the course of social evolution for the ‘Human Resource Development’ (HRD). He shows solution to the crisis to the ‘degeneration of humanity’ of civilization by using both of the human qualities ‘creativity’ and ‘sexuality’. Those three points are - (i) Accepting Ideal centric disciplined life, called as ‘Initiation’ (ii) Complex adjustment training to extract the inborn potentials called as ‘Education’ (iii) Better progeny by ‘Marriage-Reform’. Firstly: by getting ‘Initiation’ of a superior guide or social Seer, one lovingly starts to follow and happily adjust himself according to his guidance with activity. Father of Psychology Fraud says about this in his terms that - “Psycho-sexual attachment to a psychologist – the man of balanced and adjusted complex - is the prime factor of psychic treatment (adjustment of complexes). Secondly: ‘Education’ is the technique of self-development under the guidance of a balanced master and practicing to invest the urge of complexes for being and becoming. Thirdly: ‘Marriage-reform’ is virtually scientific bio-psychic matching for ‘self-development’ and ‘better offspring’, which could be most valuable asset of the society. Thus Initiation and Education develop the ‘Creativity’ for becoming and also teaches to manipulate ‘Sexuality’ through Marriage-Reform for procuring more creative instinct of human being by birth.
Now the topic wise summarized conclusions made under the studies of his literature, reference books, interviews and people’s survey found the following results on the Ideology of Sree Sree Anukulchandra. Those are as follows:
According to Sree Sree Anukulchandra at the beginning of creation there was Sound and the cause of it was the vibration of attraction and repulsion of two opposite magnetic polar forces. The scientific theories of Big-Bang, Cosmic Background Radiation, etc. and eastern and western philosophical thoughts support the idea of sound (word) of the beginning. Out of this electro-magnetic forces newer energy particles emerged and formed matter of the Universe. The ingredients of the universe are chemical elements. Under the reactions in different ways of different matters, finally life (amino acid=>protein) was formed and diversity of evolution of life transformed into many species, including man. It was found that as per the power of reactivity and other chemical characteristics those fundamental elements were divided into four blocks (s,p,d,f). In the chemical nature when highly +ve elements react with high or low –ve elements – produce strong, stable, reactive compounds. But when high –ve elements react with low +ve elements then - week, soft, inert kind of compounds are formed. In the case of life - when mating between highly evolved or highly breed female and less evolved or low breed male took place – the offspring becomes devolved and generation degenerates. Sree Sree Anukulchandra gives very importance on this natural law and framed it for the becoming of civilization.
By investigations it has been found in the nature that in the course of material formation and from that after generation of life through biological evolutions - the division of non-living and living matters took place on the basis of its’ characteristics. Again it is found that – these have been classified into different groups of nearer similar characters and they also react with each other to multiply i.e. make compounds. In man as the most evolved species has also got the same division of character. So he in the contemporary social conditions one freely opts (seeks) a job that he likes the most from within his hereditary instinct. Education plays the role to nurture that instinct to shine. Thus division of labor took place in the primitive stage of society and because of that we find broadly four divisions of labor in every world civilization. Due to the devotional practice of the self-selected labor for existence through generations, they genetically adopted that particular character and became specialist of that. So case studies find that - people who devotionally generation wise follows a trait, he becomes more expert than the other - who newly joins in the same. So this natural hankering must be utilized properly for better social management according to the need of contemporary age.
HRD-I: Initiation
It has ideologically found that the need of ‘initiation’ is one of the most vital aspect of life progress – i.e. accepting and following of a living Ideal - who has the well command on the techniques of life and growth is must for every one. As a normal course every people is already attached with loving affection of any man, matter or material and as per the mode of attachment one develops accordingly. People also ideologically support it, but unconsciously they seem less interested to surrender practically to an Ideal person – the man of well adjustment of complexes. Psychological process of treatment of man is also based on attachment of the patient with the psychoanalyst. But sub-consciously mostly they are afraid of loosing their so-called liberty out of that surrender! So in practice most of the people tend to worship the ‘unseen power’ or ‘heavenly God’ according to their own way. Moreover it was seen that - although living man can guide a person more than the guidance of any literature’s lesson, but many of the people literally make them depend on the latter one (ideology) due to the same cause. So for the proper self-development initiation of an Ideal man is must.
HRD-II: Education
His education system is mostly based on developing practical know-how of the students and on that basis they should be given theoretical knowledge. Thus, their base of technical knowledge as the applied theories would be stronger and scientific awareness as well a culture of industrial research and development will take place among the common people which can boost the social economic standard, if the industrial and economic policy support this system of education. The fundamental of his education system is the ‘regard’ of the students to the teacher so that they can have a psychological inclination and attachment with them and to please the teacher students can imbibe their knowledge as well as the characters. So according to him teachers must be attached with a superior ideal having wider goal of life, so that they can present superior living demonstration before them. Other than this institutional formal education, post-initiation normal Ideal-centric education can integrate people with inter-interested serviceable attitude, which discovers new fields of industrial development. Another very important aspect of education we found that - by education, only the in-born instincts could be sprouted, but to have better instincts - reformed eugenic system must be introduced, which can procure child of better instincts. It is a new concept of education in the modern society, which is also supported by the present genetic experiments on ‘human genome’.
HRD-III: Marriage Reform
Marriage reform as conceived by him is also a new view of Human Resource Development. As we have found in the case of chemical-reactions and results of the cross breeding of the plant and animal kingdom, only selective meting or specific selection of male and female on the basis of genetically and mentally compatibility gives the qualitatively better offspring. His marriage law also says selective breeding of the human being for quality reproduction. Naturally in the case of all material and biological multiplication law says that female (-ve) of higher hereditary instinct if is breaded with male (+ve) of lower hereditary instinct then the issue can neither inherit the better instincts of the male nor of the female. So scientists have rejected this system (Hypogamy) of breeding. Sree Sree Anukulchandra strongly opposes the marriage between the female of higher and male of lower heredity to stop the birth of ‘destructive nature’ of issues that can seriously harm the evolution of society. Although it is scientifically supported and most of the people logically realize it, but due to the irrational desires and propaganda of electronic mass media, many cases youth could not remember this natural law of eugenics of bio-psychic balance during the time of making relationship of opposite sexes and marriage. So mostly families are getting ruined now-a-days lacking of family peace and inferior reproduction. In the western countries they also scientifically proved this law for human resource. But some of them want to discard restriction in the free-relationships of the opposite sexes and ‘selective breeding’ concept; in the name of the possibility of ‘violation of human rights’. As we found in the survey - still now in Indoaryan culture, mostly people unknowingly any scientific reason follow this law; because of their family and social traditions. So this law seems to be very important tool for the human resource development.
HRD-IV: Psycho-Physical Health
In the view of Sree Sree Anukulchandra there are three stages of health – Physical, Mental, and Spiritual. Physical Health: It depends upon the hygienic regulated life, food, soothing behaviour, avoiding unprofitably loosing of temper in adverse impulses, staying away from unregulated sex - at least not to be engaged without solicited by the wife, etc. Mental Health: Controlling and adjusting the hankering urge of the complexes meaningfully for the being and becoming. Spiritual Health: Un-tottering concentric adherence towards living Ideal of integrated personality, – which automatically generates constant yogic (psycho-physical) process within out of acquiring higher goal of life, that brings regular spiritual evolution. And on the other, mechanically practicing scientific process of meditation of the Ideal, spontaneously does the same.
Where there is human society either primitive or modern, there must exist a socio-political system and this is one of the major fields of sociological study. Programs for the social development based on the division of labor under the individual’s hereditary instinct of any society of the world not only enrich the biological and social evolution, but it will also strengthen the socio-economic conditions with community integration, harmony and minimize the different exploitations. The reason is that – this planned social structure since beginning, can canalize each people to such stream of profession that is compatible to one’s hereditary instinct, because here every one has a pre-defined field of labor having grading is according to the competence of the individual. In this society as every individual or group is bound to be inter-dependent on each other for existence, so chances of minimization of exploitation normally takes place. In this system ‘social-mobility’ and integrity would become very smooth because of its’ three major pillars as: Ideal centric go of life, concentric culture of elevated intellectualism and ‘hypergamous’ marriage system. Thus there will not be any shortage of quality man, which is the base on progressive society. This system discards most of the socio-economic-cultural problems of the modern society. This hereditary instinct based division of labor is the inner theme of ‘Varnashram’.
“Indoaryan Soviet Socialist Republic ” (IASSR) is his model state, based on this division of labor where he vividly describes the factors of state management. Talking about ‘Aryan’ he says - “Those who follow the path of being and becoming are Aryans.” So fundamental of Indoaryan state as he viewed is the system of the culture to live and grow in Indian soil, - a non-communal ‘Dharmik’ state as the political system. Defining politics he says - “That which protects, nurtures and fulfills the uphold of existence is politics.” And supporting the modern most popular political system ‘Democracy’ - he says it’s essence as: “Where democracy dictates the upkeep of the ‘esse in re’ (Esse in re => Objective Existence) and right of every individual with his special aptitudes in a inter-interested concentric integration leading to the renovating zeal of being that stands on the basic principals of uphold of existence with resistance to evil which splits up being with a drawing draw, humanity smiles with a progressive lore of easement.” Seeking to modify present democracy he explains that - there would not be any candidate, but one representative from each family will vote, whom he feels the most competent in his village; the elected highest vote gainer from each village will elect a block representative, the block representatives will elect at the district level and so on. According to him - thus possibly the most right candidate could be elected and there would be less chance of unwanted incidents and misuse of money and state property. Thus the concept of handling of state power ‘by the people, for the people, of the people’ could be effective successfully - when people will be quite conscious and educated (not so-called literate) about the truth of being and becoming, having Ideal centric disciplined life.
Social economy remains alive only on the basis of the efficiency and character of the people, only this produces commodity. So talking about the economy Sree Sree Anukulchandra says that – ‘only man does make money, money can’t make a man’. So people’s efficiency could only be achieved when they will get proper education. Eventually the ‘proper education’ of the people could be only possible when they get a higher living Ideal. Because of the ‘libido’ for the higher Ideal - innovative servicing attitude arises and consolidation among the people could be developed. This automatically welcomes newer scientific and technological invention for application in the society. Today in the age of Globalization, economy depends on the giant automation privet industries and open market system. On the context to capitalistic (neo) economy, socialist economy denies the monopoly of capitalists on economy and develops the public sector or nationalized industry run by the worker’s state. According to Sree Sree Anukulchandra - government can govern the essential big industries (like coal, iron-steel, electricity, etc.), but other big industries could be replaced by sectorised small units and could be distributed among the household and cottage industries. Families will be the one unit of that big industry as per the hereditary character of the family, where they will apply the techniques that they have learnt right from their educational training. The Government has to be very watchful so that none of the national or multi-national organizations could exploit and ruin these industries. On the other the cultivating lands will be utilized for the interest of the farmers, and the industry will fulfill the need of agriculture. Thus self-reliance economy for the mass participation, scientific and technological development removing economic crisis and unemployment problem could normally take place and the chances of so-called capitalistic mass-exploitation and socialistic ultra-centralism will be rooted out. Practically in the modern socio-political world system - the multinational economic power (companies) that holds more than the property of the 60-70% of the world populations and most of the state powers are very much dependent on these economic powers - may jointly resist to implement this system. So being the upholder of mass-interest this system can’t be implemented in the society unless a big revolutionary awareness arises among the common mass and get the support of the state power.
Communism - the highest phase of socio-political system by the most bio-culturally advanced people - was viewed by many of the great social and political thinkers from Homar to Marx and so on since the beginning of civilization. The ideology of Sree Sree Anukulchandra focused on this matter in terms of “Aryan Communism”. According to him - the Aryan-communism is based on the distribution of work according to the instinctive character of individuals. In the ideology of Indoaryan socialism he explains how this division of labor according to hereditary instinct could be managed and promotion or qualitative transformation to bio-culturally superior class (‘Brahmin’) of the individuals would be taken place solving the modern problems. Making a ‘Brahmin’ – culturally and hereditarily most advanced people who are normally being engaged with the cultivation of culture of existentialism to serve others, - Aryan-Socialism scientifically could be transformed into Aryan-Communism by this ‘cultural and hereditary qualitative change’ of the people. Thus following the path of ‘Dharma’ of life and growth as shown by the latest fulfiller the best, all the inter-interested nations of the world dissolving the formal boundaries of the states will come together to form one global nation –the “World United States” (WUS).
Sree Sree Anukulchandra’s view of ‘Dharma’ is not similar to the general concept of Dharma or Religion - that consists of rituals, essentially faith on God, having a non-materialistic go of life, etc. His view says that every man (or any living particle) first of all wants to exist in the world and then also wants to develop. It means that - he has a tremendous desire of being and becoming. Thus best method to fulfill the desire of this life and growth is ‘Dharma’ i.e. the science of being and becoming. So who exists he surely follows Dharma, but his way of following such leads him towards the height of achievements of life accordingly. Applied science is evolving due to the desire of better existence of life i.e. due to Dharma. Hence Dharma is in progress since the beginning of life and Science started since the beginning of human civilization. Thus by following of ‘Dharma’ - all the better successes in socio-cultural and the scientific-technological development of the civilization have been taken place and due to this only in future it will prolong. The best demonstrator of Dharma are those man who demonstrated the best technique of adjustment of human complexes to invest in favor of being and becoming. In fact they are called Prophets. They had done such for all of the people of the world according to the socio-cultural situation of of the corresponding ages. So there is no difference among them in terms of philosophical concept of life. According to him this ‘culture of life and growth’ is ‘Aryan-culture’. So, Dharma as the scientific culture of life and growth must be accepted to everybody and the Aryan-culture is the ‘culture of existentialism’. So, Dharma can’t be many, it is one and society can’t be ‘Dharmanerapeksha’ (secular), but should be ‘non-communal Dharmik’ (adherent of Dharma).
As Dharma and science are interrelated, similarly it was found that Materialism and Spiritualism are also interdependent as matter is the condensed form of energy - the spirit of matter. Spiritual way is the reasoning go of life with un-repelling adherence to an expert master of life. And the material way is the practical life where one successfully applies the findings getting by analytically searching the causes of the probable problems that may come on that way. Without spiritualism materialism can’t exist properly, in other words – one can’t be successful in the material world without being a man of spiritual way of life. By applying the technique of spirituality on the human body and making it sensitive; one can realize the truth of nature and his relationship with the greater environment, because he has been evolved from ingredients by which the universe is made. Thus normally he develops love, sympathy, co-operation, and other human qualities within and thus also discovers techniques of success in material life. On the basis of the definition of ‘Dharma’ - the science of being and becoming - Sree Sree Anukulchandra has tried to develop material outlook of spiritualism, which is directly related to social life - so that spiritual philosophy can also be material philosophy. Talking about materialism of spiritualism Sree Sree Anukulchandra says - “Spirit is that which makes the matter materially stay from behind of it. Matter has fine to finer stages. As we go ahead, we find finer layers.” He also says - “Condensed form of energy (spirit) is matter.” In Physics and Chemistry we study the same structure of matter. So, all the true spiritual activities psychologically affect the human complexes - the brain and nervous system. As adjustment of the complexes - human being behaves and social character is the collective form of human behavior. Thus spiritualism can handle the mass materially. According to Sree Sree Anukulchandra ‘to know God’ is ‘to unfold the cause of the causes’. Thus the process of searching of the material interrelationship of different layers of the universal eco-system is the science of spirituality. In his view – who knows the secrects of this mechanism of macrocosmic ecology and also can manipulate that science for better existence – may be called ‘Human God’.
Man is the unit of society, so collection of individuals form a society. Thus social problem is virtually the problem created by the individual, which collectively take a big social shape. There are two factors which force one to commit mistake those are: circumstances and unconsciousness. In most of the cases collectively individual’s unconsciousness create the adverse situations. Individual’s or one’s thought and actions are guided by the complexes what he has got through heredity and interactions with the surroundings. The activity of the complexes are guided and controlled by the mode of deepest attachment of the person. So basically one’s unconsciousness and mistakes could be minimized by disciplined or concentric go of life having an Ideal centric consciousness and purified eugenics. This begets – minimization of crime, power politics, social unrest, etc. directly. On the other hand having bio-psychically balanced man of better potentials as advanced human resource – can materialize the natural resources into commodity to fulfill all the contemporary material requirements of the society. Thus, the fundamental program of Sree Sree Anukulchandra for Human Resource Development, could solve socio-economic and political problems.
Suggestions for the flexibility of the Ideology:
The study finds the need to present the suggestions regarding to overcome the problems present, to be made relevant, those are as follows:
· More research works are needed in different scientific, philosophical, socio-economical sectors of his life and works.
· Schemes to be made to highlight him as a social teacher and his ideology among different cross sections of the world people.
· Approval of his ideology as the school, college and university syllabus.
· Work out his pending programs of scientific research works.
· To overcome the problems come under some of the organizational machinery, by whom his descendents are projected as his spiritual successor among the common followers and the people, which hampers the concentric go of life of the general devotees as well as it dilutes the universal approach of his ideology. Thus the modern world fails to take the advantages of his contributions for the development of the civilization.
Final findings:
A scientific infrastructure of “Man Making Industry” is looking to be sprouted from the life and works of Sree Sree Anukulchandra. This ideology is admired as “Existentialism”. Which comprises wonderful potentials to assimilate the different antagonistic spiritual and material philosophy and thoughts of east and west into a common stream of idea of the “Science of Being and Becoming” - to uphold humanity, by rationally upgrading each individual’s bio-psychic existential assets, and this individual’s potentials could be collectively transformed into a progressive world society.
Ideology of Sree Sree Anukulchandra, as found - ‘the principles of life and growth’ – posses tremendous potentialities to merge the different antagonistic spiritual and material philosophical thoughts of east and west into a relevant common stream of idea for becoming of humanity, that intends to form a new world social order by qualitative transformation of each individual. Now all fulfilling ideology “Indoaryan Existentialism” has come out in new shape, from the thoughts and works of Sree Sree Anukulchandra.
Please convey your comments on this summary of research work at:
Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee
Ph.No. : +91-9097536204
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