A changed vision of
Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee
Everyone goes through certain phase of life (at younger age) when bundle of questions regarding his surroundings arise and one is thrilled to get solutions of those quest of existence and our integral relationship with the environment. To some extent I was also one of them. In my student life to search out the reasons of the people’s sufferings and ignorance I fell in love with the philosophy of Dialectical Materialism as a solution maker, - which gave birth to many philosophical and global socio-economic thoughts including Communism. This material philosophy tries to scientifically analyze the mechanism of nature and tends to implement it in the world social frame to transform society. So, virtually it strongly rejects the idea of existence and function of any ‘third power’ or ‘God’ on nature or man. Thus I was influenced and gradually became deep sympathizer of this ‘ism’ in those days.
To combat with and crash down the religious ideology - according to me prevailing ‘non-sense’ beliefs and rituals – I was seeking for those religious (Dharmik !) principles. Under this process I found a book of discourses in the form of questions-answers from my father’s bookshelf. To absorb the essence I started reading. Couple of pages, and……….. The answers shook my ‘strong’ foundation of long course of beliefs………… “Dharma is the science which upholds our existence………”; “The scientists (western) are more ‘Darmik’ than us……..”; “One may not believe the existence of God, but if believes the laws of existence then obviously he is Dharmik…….”; “Matter is the condensed form of sprit (energy), which is responsible for the existence of matter………. ”; “To exist and evolve the human civilization, quality human being are to be made, and that fundamentally comes from scientific eugenics. So proper marriage-reform immediately is to be implemented throught female’s self-selected hereditarily and culturally (bio-psychically) better male, which comprises genetically superior offsprings; where as random selection often produces psycho-physically (genetically) inferior – the evil of the society”. Such so many answers were given by Sree Sree Anukulchandra. In the first sight and fell in Iove! I got an Ideal comrade, leader, pathfinder, and a true life-lover of my “quests of life”. Gradually he was revealed to me as the the most modern world Seer – the scientist of life.
That was a great turning point for me. All the earlier ideas merged into this latest view – the source of complete solutions! An amazing breakthrough in the unification of the world of antagonistic philosophies was revealed!
‘Dharma’ (not religion, Religion=> ‘re’+’legard’=> to be attached again) is the law of existence of life. Desire of existence is the only factor of all evolutions - the biological, social or philosophical. So who wants his own existence, can’t ignore his existence of surrounding, because he directly depends on it. Thus a real Dharmik always thinks and searches actively the secrets of nature for the development of humanity – according to his inherent test and potentials. Scientists do the same through material analysis by trial and error method. On the other, the Seers (who can see beyond for existence) understand the fact by realization, which is a kind of bio-psychic or spiritual technique. Both of them are progressing towards the same goal (existentialism) having different approaches. Thus Dharma – ‘the law of existence’ welcomes science and both (materialism and spiritualism) are fulfiller to each other. Secondly, Dharma or the existential science is truly manifested in the life of the Seers like Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Sri Chaitanya, Sri Ramakrishna, etc. And also by some means that was viewed in the ideas of the great scientists like Newton, Einstein, Darwin or Marx. This is because they know the secrets of social and universal eco-system and have mastery over it to invest in favour of people’s life. To know this secrect of mechanism of the universal eco-system, is to know God and we all are the product (son / friend) of this system (God). So accepting, following and getting sentimentally attached with the Seers, is the only way of worshipping God.
So, this becomes clear that - it doesn’t comprise almost anything and also meaningless by worshipping of the so-called heavenly unseen power or ‘God’, without through any latest realized man (Ideal) - who does fulfill the past. This is because heavenly God can’t communicate or guide one directly. On these arguments we can definitely say that – only because of the Dharma, scientific development takes place in right direction and certainly it rejects communal conflicts. And Dharma remains alive only in the life and works of human ‘God’.
Writer is in teaching profession (IT/Computer Sc) at DPS Ranchi and he is a psycho-spiritual instructor of “Indoaryan School of HRD”.
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